April showers bring May flowers… and May means CAMP is right around the corner! OFC is already gearing up for Royal Family Kids Camp – we’ve begun interviewing new volunteers, camper applications are filling our mailbox daily, and returning volunteers have already begun planning for this summer’s “Sheepfold” theme. While our plan was to host camp at Camp Akiva this year, we know God’s plan is bigger. We’ll be spending another summer in Hawkins, which gives us a little more time to say goodbye to the place that’s been so good to us over the years. The place so many wonderful memories have been made… here are just a few recent ones:

Monday night, Counselor Dusty told his 9 year old campers about his daily habit of reading from a devotional app and the Bible that he had on his phone. Right before they went sleep, he read to them from the Bible. Tuesday after lunch, Dusty was looking very forward to resting during 30/30 time. But following the example from the night before, Colton and Matt wanted to read. In fact they wanted to read to Dusty. Dusty agreed, and the boys started whispering and turning pages in their Bibles. When they found it, they started reading the story of Jesus’s birth to their counselor, alternating back and forth every verse.

Prayer is a regular occurrence at RFKC. It’s a time when our campers learn how to talk to the Almighty One. It’s also a time when we peek into their lives – a reminder of their world and what it’s like.  In counselors Kendall and Pam’s room, the young girls were all taking turns speaking to the Lord. Not to be out-done by the others, little Mary opened only one eye and thanked God for every item in the room – from the decorations to the dirty clothes.  Just next door, counselor Leah’s campers were also praying. Listen to this petition from one of her six-year-olds: “Dear God, thank you for bringing us here. Help all the boys and girls to stay with their mom and dad if they’re good to their kids. And if the parents aren’t good, help the boys and girls get adopted.

Just goes to show – we can’t judge the size of the prayer by the size of the child.


The kids can’t wait for camp! We can’t either! Please remember to help with some or all of the items on the graphic above. It is an opportunity for you to help create lasting memories for our Royal Family Kids!!
